

Gloria López Cleries researches and writes about art and technology. She holds a Master in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) and Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and a Master in Fine Arts, HDK-Valand, Gothenburg University, Sweden.

Her work critically examines questions about neoliberal rhetoric concerning emotional capitalism and new online models of productivity, affect, care and collectivity. Her projects invite us to question and rethink the vocabularies and imageries of online social networks and their reproduction. Her last artistic projects explore the connections between technomysticism and spiritual discourses of matter.

In parallel to her artistic production, López is a lecturer at HDK-Valand, Gothenburg University. Interested in feminist and critical pedagogies, López has participated and co-led critical pedagogy research programmes and collective research workshops.


Gloria López Cleries investiga y escribe sobre arte y tecnologia. Ha cursado el Máster en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual en el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Universidad Complutense de Madrid y el Máster del Programa Internacional en Investigación Artística, HDK-Valand, Universidad de Gotemburgo, Suecia.

Su trabajo reflexiona sobre la retórica neoliberal en relación con el capitalismo emocional y los nuevos modelos online de productividad, afecto, cuidados y colectividad. Sus proyectos invitan a cuestionar y repensar los vocabularios e imaginarios de las redes sociales y su reproducción. Sus últimos proyectos artísticos exploran la relación entre el tecnomisticismo y los discursos espirituales de la materia.

En paralelo a su producción artística, López es profesora en la facultad de arte de HDK-Valand, Gotemburgo. Interesada en las pedagogías feministas y críticas, López ha participado y co-dirigido programas de investigación de pedagogía crítica y talleres de investigación colectiva. 


Supplementary pedagogy education in Upper Secondary School in Sweden, subject Visual Arts. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. (Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning, Gymnasieskolan)
Master Fine Arts HDK-Valand. University of Gothenburg, Sweden
PhD Student in Humanities, Art and Education Research/ Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain
Master Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía/ Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Media Specialist on Graphic Printing, Illustration, Design and Artistic Mintage (UCLM)/ Fundacion Real Casa de la Moneda Madrid, Spain
Exchange Student. École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
BA Fine Arts, San Carlos Fine Arts Faculty. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain


Arbetsstipendium Bildkonstnärsfonden, Konstnärsnämnden. The Swedish Art Grants Comittee, 2022.
Arbetsstipendium Västra Götalandsregionens kulturnämnd, Sweden, 2021.
Fredrik Roos Stiftelse Nomination, Sweden 2020.
Tobison Stipendium, Sweden 2020.
Neuberghs/Gurmund Stipendium, Sweden, 2020.
Carls Olson Stipendium. Sweden, 2019.
Adlerbertska Stipendium- Göteborg University. Sweden, 2019.
Ayudas Injuve. Instututo de la Juventud. Grant for Production, Project Imagen Fantasma, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 2019.
Intransit 2016. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
XVII Premio Joven Artes Visuales. Fundacion General Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Spanish Royal Mint Foundation Grant, EMIGIA. FNMT-UCLM, Spain.
VII International Prize Vivanco Foundation. La Rioja, Spain.
Certamen Jóvenes Creadores. Family, Social Services and Citizen Engagement Management. Madrid City Council, Spain.
Certamen de Arte Gráfico Jóvenes Creadores 2013 Graphic Arts Competition. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional. Madrid, Spain.
Prize for best Academic results, XII Prize Polytechnic University of Valencia Social Council, Spain.
Erasmus Scholarship Academic Year 2009/2010. École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France.


Mecamisticas, Dilalica Gallery, Barcelona.

OFF Bratislava The House of Plausible, Probable, Possible and Preferable Futures, Festival of Contemporary Photography, Kunsthalle Bratislava.
Happily Ever After, curated by Julia Björnberg & Anna Johansson, Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmö, Sweden.

SWAB Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair, Dilalica Gallery, Barcelona.
ISEA 2022 International Symposium of Electronic Art, CCCB and CERC, Barcelona.
CYCLO Festival, Cuerpos que respiran. Curated by Maria Rojas, Sala Pirandello, Madrid.
How to Win at Photography, curated by Matteo Bittanti and Marco De Mutiis, The Photographers Gallery, London.

Como un mundo que se desmorona cuando nadie está mirando, curated by Bartlebooth. Dilalica Gallery, LOOP BARCELONA.
IMMATERIAL, Encuentro sobre realidades mediadas por lo digital, curated by Ontologias Feministas, Tabakalera, Spain.
How to Win at Photography, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland.
BIENAL SUR Festival, Teatro Margarita Xirgu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
STREAMS Transformative Environmental Humanities, Stockholm.

Positive Affirmation for Artists with Cancelled Exhibitions. In collaboration with easy ASMR. Graduation Ceremony at HDK-Valand, Gothenburg. 
ADAF - Athens Digital Arts Festival 2020, Technotribalism, Online exhibition.
Posespacios. Ateneo Cultural, Creacion INJUVE, Leon, Spain.

Welcome to the Antropoceno. Salamanca Museum. Curated by Jose Abel-Flores, Spain.
Posespacios. Imagen Fantasma. Creacion INJUVE. Sala Amadis. Madrid.
The Unreal. Screening BioValand. Valand Academy 25th September. Sweden.

Afterwork. Blue Wisper. Kolgruvan & Kiosken. Gothenburg. Online exhibition in collaboration with Sive Hamilton.
Internetamine. InderEspacio Gallery. Santander, Spain.

La exactitud de la materia herida por la luz con Mikha-ez. Comisariada por Fernando Castro Florez. Show Room Brita Prinz Arte. Madrid, ES.

XVII Premio Arte Joven, Fundación General Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Complutense Centro de Arte. Madrid.
Certamen Jóvenes Creadores. Calcografía Nacional Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Madrid.
IX Mulier Mulieris Award. Museo Universitario de Alicante, MUA, Alicante.
VII Festival InCubarte. Institut Français, Valencia.
Tinta de Verano. Museo Real Casa de la Moneda, Madrid.
XIV Premio San Lorenzo del Escorial, El Escorial, Madrid.


·       ASMR Reading You to SLEEP. Artist Talk. HDK-Valand. Gothenburg University, Sweden. Nov. 2023.
·       Give me More Triggers. Perfomative lecture in collaboration with Ailén Lucia ASMR, in Cómete la Naturaleza Muerta, Sala Amadís, INJUVE, Madrid, Spain. January, 2023.
·       The Photographers Gallery. Artist talk. How to win at photography. London. September, 2022.
·       The Unreal. Performative Lecture in collaboration with Sive Hamilton. STREAMS Conference. KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2022.
·      Likes, Stories and Stereotypes. 3RD PARALLAX Forum. Performative Lecture in collaboration with Kolbrun Inga Soring and James Duffy. 5th-6th Dec. 2019, Katowice, Poland.
·       Paisajes Irreales. Online Performative Lecture in Collaboration with Sive Hamilton. Sala Amadís, Madrid. Spain.
·       Autotheory Performative Workshop. Group Performative Lecture. 3rd PARSE Biennial Research Conference: “Human”. Gothenburg University, 13-15 Nov. 2019, Sweden.
·       Ghosting and Affective Capitalism. Katowice Art School. November 2018. Katowice. Poland.
·       La imposibilidad del registro efímero en la ciudad transitable. ACC’17 3 Congreso Internacional Arte, Ciencia, Ciudad. ¿Como se cuentan las cosas? Málaga University, Spain, 2017.
·       Tag as a Surveillance cell. A critical view of metadata and facial recognition systems through artistic practices. III Visual Arts Rearch International Congress. Glocal. Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, July 2017.
·       Ghosting Image as a contemporary ruin. Cambio de forma. Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Laguna. Tenerife. Dec 2016.
·      Ghosting Image. Public Sessions Intransit 2016. Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Bellas Artes UCM, Madrid, Spain.
·      Ghosting Image. II Jornadas Imágenes en el Mundo Contemporáneo. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, June 2016.
·      Creative Processes Seminar.  Awarded XVII Youth Prize, General Foundation Complutense University, Madrid. Complutense University Contemporary Art Centre (c arte c), Madrid, Spain, June 2016.


Mapping Access Needs Workstation. Equality Treatment Workshop. In collaboration with TTTT Research Group. 31 Aug 2023. Studenternashus, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Radical Inclusivity. Experiencing the Art World Today. Workshop. PCA Paris College of Art, France.

Questioning the Neutrality of Art Education. Online Workshop, In Rencontres et ateliers: les pédagogies critiques en écoles d’art. Dec 2020, Villa Arson, Nice, France.
Toolbox Techniques to Transgress TTTT. Erasmus Program. Researcher member. June 2020- 2022. Online Sessions. Co-organiser: Glossary Workshop and Neutrality in Academia, online seminars.

Exploring Autotheory Workshop. Valand Academy. Gothenburg University. Gothenburg.
Bodies in Alliance. Bodies in Defiance. Valand Academy. Gothenburg University, Sweden.
Slime Workshop. Education Department, 16 Dec. 2019, Konsthallen Gothenburg, Sweden.

Art After Research. Convergences between research and contemporary artistic practices. Conference. Fine Arts Faculty, Cuenca. Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain.

II Jornadas Imágenes en el mundo contemporáneo. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Madrid, Spain.

COLLECTIONS (Selection) 

Malmö Konstmuseum, Sweden.
Tobison Stipendium, Sweden.
Galeria Dilalica, Barcelona.
Gabinete Gráfico Museo Casa de la Moneda, Madrid, Spain.
Fundación Vivanco, La Rioja, Spain.
Fundación Carmen Arocena, Cabildo Insular de la Palma, Spain.
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional. Madrid, Spain. 
Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Área De Gobierno De Familia, Servicios Sociales Y Participación Ciudadana del Ayuntamiento De Madrid, Spain.
Fundación General Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

© Gloria López Cleries 2024