How are you feeling?
Website in collaboration with Luis San Gregorio
This project shows one of the questions that Facebook and Twitter ask us all the time: What are you thinking? or, What is happening?. These platforms are part of the mechanisms of Affective Capitalism, and their principal function is to compile all the personal data available in social media.
How are you feeling? recreates a box that invites us to write our feelings and thoughts. Once the user has written in the box, the website disappears gradually, vanishing entirely. The project was created in the context of a seminar about social media and artistic practices. The website replica, as a public space intervention, was intended to be introduced in all the public computers in our campus in Cuenca.
This project shows one of the questions that Facebook and Twitter ask us all the time: What are you thinking? or, What is happening?. These platforms are part of the mechanisms of Affective Capitalism, and their principal function is to compile all the personal data available in social media.
How are you feeling? recreates a box that invites us to write our feelings and thoughts. Once the user has written in the box, the website disappears gradually, vanishing entirely. The project was created in the context of a seminar about social media and artistic practices. The website replica, as a public space intervention, was intended to be introduced in all the public computers in our campus in Cuenca.
Este proyecto muestra una de las preguntas que Facebook y Twitter nos hacen todo el tiempo: ¿Qué estás pensando? o, ¿Qué está pasando? Estas plataformas forman parte de los mecanismos del Capitalismo Afectivo, y su principal función es recopilar todos los datos personales disponibles en los medios sociales.
¿Cómo te sientes? recrea una caja que nos invita a escribir nuestros sentimientos y pensamientos. Una vez que el usuario ha escrito en la caja, el sitio web desaparece gradualmente, desvaneciéndose por completo.El proyecto se creó en el contexto de un seminario sobre medios sociales y prácticas artísticas. La réplica de la página web, como intervención en el espacio público, pretendía introducirse en todos los ordenadores públicos de nuestro campus de Cuenca.